Pedagogy and the Flocks of Ducks I wrote books on Pedagogy, Meditation, Computational English and Medicine when numerous flocks of ducks were born. Pedagogy seemed necessary for ducks to procreate. A short book on Economics followed. It and other books on Popology, Theology and Societology were not yet breasoned out. A flock born when using character, not word breasonings from notes, and on the night they were born, Abracadabra 2*80 word breasonings per duckling, helped them to survive. A flock born from repeating the Abracadabra 50 As with each breasoning prayed for resulted in happy (gay) behaviour and friendliness with humans but ended in tragedy when Whistler killed Forrester and St Andrew when he went close to Whistler. Soft, also in the flock died from prolapse. Sydney, not in that flock almost died when he went close to Whistler, but I could save him. An apparently unwanted breasoning, actually a positive breasoning perhaps should have accompanied the prayed for breasonings.